If you have been slow like me in getting in the Bitcoin bus – now might be the time starting learning about this new world. Its a little hard to get into, but the long term vision is fascinating. As someone who has spent so much money in bank fees for wire transfers, on top of currency conversion fees – I see the value in Bitcoin.
However, I was always sceptical if Bitcoin or any of the other CryptoCurrencies will survive in the long run. Looks like they will, and are just gaining wider acceptance. Microsoft has just started accepting it, Newegg accepts it, Dell accepts it, Expedia, and Google is working towards integrating it.
Starting Thursday in the U.S., by using BitPay, the world’s leading bitcoin payment processor, you can trade-in bitcoin – at current market value — and add it to your Microsoft account. Those funds can then be used to purchase content in the Windows Store, or in stores that house Xbox Games, Xbox Music or Xbox Video.
Steve Endow and Andrew Dean actually did a demo of accepting Bitcoin Integration with Dynamics GP at reImagine this year. Steve was kind enough to post the source code on his blog.