The MVPs share their thoughts on GP 12, Silverlight and Windows 12
Mariano Gomez - Jumping on the Windows 8 van wagon
Mark Polino - Microsoft Dynamics GP 12 and Silverlight
And I am off for my week long vacation!
- Year-to-year Inventory Margin Report using the PIVOT operator in T-SQL (Mariano Gomez)
- Year-to-year Inventory Margin Report using the PIVOT operator in T-SQL - Follow up! (Mariano Gomez)
- Add Item chunk works fine with GP10 and GP2010 R2 (Ian Stewart) – shares that the “Add Item” functionality works fine on GP 10 and GP 2010
- Description of the support of Microsoft Dynamics GP in a virtual environment – Somebody was asking about this recently.
- Error Message "Cannot access this report (or form) because the dictionary containing it is not loaded." when Printing a Report in Microsoft Dynamics GP (MBS)
- Steps to reconcile bank statement with no activity in Bank Reconciliation using Microsoft Dynamics GP (MBS)
- Error message when attempting to import a Canadian Payroll import file in Dynamics GP: "Imported file must end with _BCH.csv when File Type Selected is CSV" (MBS)
- Leveraging the changes in eConnect for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 (Chris Roehrich)
- Integrations Via eConnect Disappearing (Ian)
- Serializing eConnect XML – Properly (Steve Endow)
- eConnect 2010 Error: The transaction has aborted (Steve Endow)
Other Interesting Stuff
- Windows 8 on Acer Iconia Tab (I am eyeing one, oh, what fun we will have together)
- Microsoft Dynamics Operations Ordering Month-End Timelines – Sept to Nov 2011 (Kevin Machayya )
- What is and isn’t dead in Windows 8 – Arsanth
Jivtesh (Microsoft Dynamics GP MVP)
Microsoft Dynamics Certified Technology Specialist: GP 2010
Have any GP related questions ? Feel free to email me at Jivtesh AT
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