
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Integration Manager and Analytical Accounting

If you in the trenches with Analytical Accounting and considering the use of Integration Manager, check out these two posts

Using Integration Manager with Analytical Accounting by David Musgrave

When you use Integration Manager on a system with Analytical Accounting (AA) installed, integrations often fail because Analytical Accounting will open windows which are unhandled by Integration Manager. However, there are time when you still want to use Integration Manager to import transactions where the Analytical Accounting information is left blank. This post provides three methods of how to make Integration Manager work when Analytical Accounting is installed.


Integration Manager: Integrating journal entries with Analytical Accounting Information by Mariano Gomez

If you are one of the fervourous Integration Manager fans out there and have had to work on integrating journal entries with Analytical Accounting information, you may know this is only possible with the eConnect Adapter, not the Standard Adapter.


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