
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Great Plains : Keyboard Shortcuts

I've learned that most GP Users are advanced keyboard users.

This is probably thanks to the excellent keyboard support since the early versions. In fact, Richard Allen, who has worked with GP since the early 1990's - expects all windows applications to have those basic shortcuts, and is pretty critical when they don't! I've seen him work in GP using his short-cuts and its a joy to watch how efficient and quick you can be, using - just the keyboard. Probably the comparison is a little wild - but watching somebody like him navigate and work in the GP - is as good as watching Tiger Woods play golf.

So I've been maintaining my own baby list (based on the GP documentation) with some screen shots - and I'll put it out here for reference and add on to it over time.

Do you know any other short-cuts that you use often ?

Common Keyboard shortcuts

Move to next field : tab

Move to previous field : shift + tab

Move from scrolling window to next field : ctrl + tab

Move from scrolling window to previous field : shift + ctrl + tab

Default button on a window : enter

Close the current window : ctrl + w

Exit application :alt + x

Ctrl + L To open the look window

Some shortcuts for the home page

Navigation pane button ctrl + number of navigation pane button. For example, press ctrl + 2 to activate the second navigation pane button.

Address Bar Alt + d

For Date Fields - if you enter it just the day, it will automatically fill in the current month and year. 08 Becomes 08042007

Adding a Shortcut to Open Up a Specific Window

Say, you are end up adding a few customers everyday at various times. You can set up a shortcut, say CTRL + SHIFT + C to open up the Customer Maintenance Window.

Then there are the Window Specific Shortcuts

Customer Maintenance - Alt + A,A would open up customer accounts

I just searched help and found all the window specific short-cuts.

Assembly Entry — Decrease Level

ctrl + d

Assembly Entry — Increase Level

ctrl + i

Edit Payables Checks — Create Temporary Vendor

ctrl + t

Edit Purchase Order Status— Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Payables Manual Payment Entry — Create Temporary Vendor

ctrl + t

Payables Transaction Entry — Create Temporary Vendor

ctrl + t

Purchase Order Entry — Create Temporary Vendor

ctrl + t

Purchase Order Entry — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Purchase Order Entry — Open Item Detail

ctrl + e

Purchase Order Inquiry Zoom — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Purchase Order Inquiry Zoom — Open Item Detail

ctrl + e

Purchase Order Processing Item Inquiry — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Purchasing Invoice Entry — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Purchasing Invoice Entry — Open Item Detail

ctrl + e

Purchasing Invoice Entry — Open Match Shipments to Invoice

ctrl + m

Purchasing Invoice Inquiry Zoom— Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Purchasing Item Detail Entry — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Purchasing Item Detail Inquiry Zoom — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Purchasing Item Receipts Zoom — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Purchasing Vendor Detail Entry — Create Temporary Vendor

ctrl + t

Receivings Item Detail Entry — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Receivings Transaction Entry — Create Temporary Vendor

ctrl + T

Receivings Transaction Entry — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Receivings Transaction Entry — Open Item Detail

ctrl + e

Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom — Open Item Detail

ctrl + e

Receivings Transaction Inquiry Zoom— Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Sales Transaction Entry — Open Item Detail

ctrl + e

Sales Transaction Entry— Quick Print

ctrl + q

Select Purchase Order Items — Display Vendor Item Detail

ctrl + d

Vendor Account Maintenance — Open Additional Vendor Accounts

ctrl + e

Then you can also record a macro and that can be linked to a Keyboard shortcut.


AlaaR said...

Thanks Jivtesh,
I have a related issue with one of the shortcut in AP->Receivable Transaction

While I am in the distribution window, the Insert Row button is greyed out
further more when I click on F2 which user usually do to insert a new row, it pops up with a message "The file does not exist in the specified location"

Appreciated your reply in advance :)

http://v-pillsbuyut.com/v-pills-penis-buyutur-mu.html said...

nice job!