
Thursday, August 26, 2010

AA Duplicate Error and a ‘House Moment’ ?

A few weeks back we got the error below when adding a dimension in Analytical Accounting.  The user was trying to add the dimension “Customer” in their test environment.

Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘dbo.AAG00600’ with unique index ‘AK2AAG00600’


We tried the steps in the KB Article 897280 and a related helpful article from Daoud, but they didn’t really help. We couldn’t add the “Customer” dimension.

However, when we added “Cust” it worked! We took a screenshot, and since everything else was working smoothly, thought about researching about it later .


I sent the screenshot to Rubal, and she had her “house moment”, and immediately showed me the values in the Table AAG00600. She said it seems like whenever we add a dimension called “Employee” or “Customer” is causes a conflict with the keys in the AAG00600 aaTreeMstr table.

We verified this with the other values in the aaTreeMstr table.


So these 6 dimension Names are not allowed. Try it out in your new GP install- if you try and add the dimension “Employee”, it will give you that error. I have tested this in a GP 10 and a GP 2010 install, let me know if you get this error as well.



Related errors and resolution -

Error message when you try to post Analytical Accounting transactions in Microsoft Dynamics GP: "Cannot insert duplicate key in object"

Article ID : 897280



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have a similar error and when I follow the same KB article you suggested, I see that the table I experience this identical error with is not included. It is AAG00905 but no such tableID exists for this in AAG00102! Do you know if AAG00905 is a sub-table of the other AAG tables?