
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dynamics GP Experts

GPWindow aggregates the Dynamics GP Posts from a select list of Dynamics GP experts. Most of  the people below have contributed immensely to the Dynamics GP Community, sharing their knowledge and expertise tirelessly and selflessly with everybody. Its ultimately the people in the community that make a product go further, and looking at the activity in the community – it is all very heartening !

That may sound a little melodramatic, so let me give you some numbers.

1. GP Articles – Over 6400 GP Related Articles

There are over 6400 high quality GP articles by the people below indexed at GPWindow.

It takes one Mark Polino to galvanize a community, Mark alone has pioneered the GP Blogging community for years, encouraging and prodding people to come and contribute to the community. GPWindow’s recommendation engine works on basis of how often a product is recommended by experts, and the reason you see the best posts in the first page of every category is because Mark has recommended them.

The advent of a David Musgrave got us the responsive Microsoft face into the community, and  excellent insight into the cool things like Support Debugging tool, which have revolutionized GP tech support. David’s blog and articles have taken GP presence on the web to the next level.

Mark Polino's : Over 2100 resources
David Musgrave and the MS GP Dev Support Team : Over 500 resources
Mariano Gomez : Over 400 resources
Mohammad Daoud : Over 300 resources
Vaidy Mohan : Over 200 resources
Frank Hamelly : Over 200 resources
Christina Phillips, Steve Endow & Lorren Zemke : Over 100 resources
Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Official Blog : Over 100 resources
Steve Gray : Over 100 resources
Victoria Yudin : Over 100 resources listed
Janakiram M.P. : Over 100 resources
Sivakumar Venkataraman : Over 65 resources
Duke Del Prado : Over 64 resources
Waqas Butt's : 55 resources listed.
David Patrick : 51 resources listed.
Jan Harrigan : 51 resources listed.
Michael Johnson : 51 resources listed.
Ron Wilson : 51 resources listed.
Leslie Vail : 48 resources listed.
Belinda Allen : 46 resources listed.
Ian Stewart : 43 resources listed.
Andy Nifong : 43 resources listed.
Doug Pitcher, Steve Chapman and others :  40+ resources listed.
Dwight Specht : 36 resources listed.
Sandip Jadhav : 28 resources listed.

2. GP Community Help – Thousands of Posts !

In addition to writing articles, the GP experts take helping people seriously. Take a look at the individual posts of the people below  -

Mariano Gomez, one of the smartest people in the GP world, has helped people over 3640 times, and that's in just one group. Mariano contributes in all GP communities and maintains his high quality blog where he gives out free tutorials. Ditto for Victoria Yudin, whose name you would have seen if you ever used Google to search for a GP Problem.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Public Discussion group
Mariano Gomez - 3640+ posts
Victoria Yudin - 3568+ posts
Charles Allen
Frank Hamelly 1708
Patrick 1377
David Musgrave 1377
Leslie Vail 1098
Mark Polino 509
Mohammad R. Daoud 535
Janakiram M.P. 633
Richard L. Whaley 2919

Microsoft Dynamics GP Community Forum

Ian Stewart 1,072
Mariano Gomez - 565
Victoria Yudin - 317
Frank Hamelly 547
David Musgrave  221
Leslie Vail 479
Mark Polino  67
Mohammad R. Daoud 10
Janakiram M.P.  72
Richard L. Whaley 666

Microsoft Dynamics GP Developer Public Discussion

David Musgrave 656
Mariano Gomez - 384
Patrick 234
Mohammad R. Daoud 93
Vaidy 60

Notes -

  • Its difficult to detail out all the good work carried out by these experts in the community, so I encourage you to go read their bio’s on their blog.
  • There are other Dynamics Community Forums like Dynamics GP Google Group, Great Plains Tek Tips Forum and the Microsoft Dynamics GP Partner Forum – You’ll see great work by the GP Community at all these groups. I have just given a sample of the great work in the community above


MVP Blogs

See the complete list here - Microsoft Dynamics GP MVPS

Mark Polino at DynamicAccounting.net (http://msdynamicsgp.blogspot.com/)

Victoria Yudin at Victoria Yudin (http://victoriayudin.com/)

Leslie Vail at Dynamics Confessor Blogspot (http://dynamicsconfessions.blogspot.com/)

Frank Hamelly at GP2theMax (http://www.gp2themax.blogspot.com/)

Mariano Gomez at The Dynamics GP Blogster (http://dynamicsgpblogster.blogspot.com/)

Mohammad R Daoud at Mohammad Daoud (http://mohdaoud.blogspot.com/)

Ian Stewart at DynamicsGP.ie (http://dynamicsgp.wordpress.com/)

Charles Allen via newgroups

Microsoft Blogs

David Musgrave, Patrick Roth and team at Developing for Dynamics GP Blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/DevelopingForDynamicsGP/)

Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Official Blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/gp/)

US Dynamics GP Field Team Blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/DynamicsGP/)

Microsoft Dynamics GP UK Blog (http://blogs.msdn.com/ukgp/)

Blogs of Other Dynamics GP Experts

Janakiram M.P. at DynamicsBlogger (http://janakirammp.blogspot.com/)

David Patrick at Great Plains Guy (http://greatplainsguy.blogspot.com/)

Belinda Allen at Belinda, the GP CSI (http://belindaallen.blogspot.com/)

Duke Del Prado at Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog (http://ddelprado.blogspot.com/)

Steve Gray at VSToolsForum.com (http://vstoolsforum.com/)

Dwight Specht at The Death of Reason (http://thedeathofreason.wordpress.com/)

Christina Phillips, Steve Endow & Lorren Zemke at Dynamics GP Land (http://dynamicsgpland.blogspot.com/)

Vaidy Mohan at Dynamics GP - Learn & Discuss (http://www.vaidy-dyngp.com/)

Sivakumar Venkataraman at Interesting Findings & Knowledge Sharing (http://msdynamics.cvakumar.com/)

Feradh Zain at Dynamics GP Middle East (http://dynamicsgpme.blogspot.com/)

Michael Johnson at MBS Guru (http://mbsguru.blogspot.com/)

Gloria Braunschweig at ComputerationDynamics (http://computerationdynamics.blogspot.com/)

Constance Gilleland at Q Factor's Blog (http://qfactorconsulting.wordpress.com/)

Matt Landis at Dynamics Small Business (http://dynamicssmallbusiness.blogspot.com/)

Waqas Butt at Waqas Butt's Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog (http://waqasb.blogspot.com/)

Ron Wilson at Real Life Dynamics User Blog (http://rldu.wordpress.com/)

Sandip Jadhav at Dynamics GP - Knowledge Share (http://sandipdjadhav.blogspot.com/)

Andy Nifong at Andy Nifong (http://andynifong.com/)

Devon Southall at Dynamics GP Builders & Reporting (http://gpbuilders.wordpress.com/)

Rose Business Solutions Blog (http://www.rosebizinc.com/gpblog/)

1 comment:

Mariano Gomez said...


I am about amazed and at the same time extremely greatful that there are people like you out there promoting the Community. I only hope you would give yourself more credit and put your contributions in the list as you have pioneered on of the most valuable online tools of recent. So please, if you would honor the community, put your contributions in the list as well.

Best regards,

Mariano Gomez, MVP