
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Using the new Dynamics GP 2015 REST Services in SBA (Service Based Architecture)

If you have been following my blog, you probably know how excited I am about this feature. Unfortunately, the documentation can be a little hard to find. The important thing to remember is that as this is a part of the web client – that is where you will find the relevant documentation. 

Paul Haag at InterDyn has just written a great post summarizing the steps he followed.  Using the Dynamics GP Service Based Architecture (Paul Haag) 

Additionally as you are stuck(and its okay if you are, this is Version 1 of the SBA) – you might find the following notes and resources helpful.

  • There are three logs you can look to for information on requests that fail, the GP Service log, Dexterity Service Log and the Request Log.  All logs are located in ProgramData\Microsoft Dynamics\GPSvc\Logs. The Dexterity Service log will tell you if the request made it to the Dexterity instance and is in the Inst_DefaultInstance\DexterityService directory. All requests tie together with a correlation ID. Read more at Debugging in the Dynamics GP 2015 Service Based Architecture
  • You need to place the new Application.PRODUCTNAME.dll in your GP runtime folder.  After restarting your services, a good way to see if your endpoint is available is by using discovery (url below).  That will show all the dictionaries that have been DAG'ed and have available service endpoints. https://<MachineName>/GPService/Tenants(DefaultTenant)/Companies(Company Name)/Help/

Read more at Service Based Architecture and Custom Procedures  (Thanks Rob Bernhardt)

  • When creating service procedures in the service based architecture one of the key steps is to define service metadata including setting the Service Enabled switch to TRUE. We also add a Service Procedure Metadata property which contains the relevant information for the GP Service to wire the procedure calls up to their URI endpoints. In addition to this, the procedure’s class definition will now contain a third invoke method which the service uses for parsing the request and building up the response. Read more at - DAG (Dictionary Assembly Generator) – What’s New in GP 2015

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